It’s that time of year. School has begun and before you know it the holiday season will be here in full force with all the hectic stress that comes with it. But what if it doesn’t have to be that way? There’s so much to ENJOY about the holiday season if we let ourselves. It’s time to lower those crazy expectations, accept things as they come, and truly soak in the magic of the holidays.
Recognizing the Signs of Holiday Overwhelm
For some, the holidays can become very overwhelming. One way to help from getting to this point is identifying things that trigger you and cause stress. Being self-aware and recognizing what stresses you can help you better mentally prepare to handle those things or just avoid them completely.
Setting Realistic Expectations
Moms, specifically, tend to feel an immense amount of pressure to create the perfect holidays for their family. Social media, especially, has set these unrealistic expectations for moms to do it all and do it Pinterest perfect. It is important to not fall into the perfectionist trap. Take time to identify what is most important to you and prioritize what truly matters. It is okay to not do everything. Learning to say “No” can be really important for your mental health.
Planning and Organization
Another way to take control of the holiday season and not let it take control of you is to plan and organize ahead of time. Creating a holiday calendar of what you want to do and get accomplished sets clear expectations and keeps you from overbooking yourself and your family. To do “all the things” that come with the holidays can get crazy expensive! Creating a clear budget will also help you make decisions on what to prioritize. This last one can be really hard for some of us type-A moms, but it’s something we all need to learn how to do… delegate tasks and responsibilities! Your partner is capable of taking over some of your to-do list, I promise! There is no need for you to take it all on by yourself.
Self-Care Strategies
Amidst all of the excitement it is important to still find moments of solitude. Take a minute for yourself when you begin to feel some stress creeping in. Incorporate some relation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, and mediation. Don’t underestimate how much of an impact sleep and nutrition have on your health, as well. Try to maintain a healthy sleep schedule. While nutrition can be a little trickier this time of year, do your best to maintain healthy eating habits the best you can. Many also find exercise to be a great stress reliever. Try going out for a walk to enjoy some fresh air and reset when necessary.
Wrapping Up the Holidays with Gratitude
Maybe most importantly, don’t forget to reflect on the meaning of the season. This may be different for each family, but regardless, focusing on what is important and cultivating gratitude with your family is a wonderful way to celebrate the holidays. Remind your children and each other why you celebrate with each other. It also doesn’t hurt to plan a little for post-holiday self-care for any stress that does creep in!
Embracing the Holidays with Balance
Moms, you are definitely amazing beings that bring so much magic to the holidays for your family, but don’t forget to have balance, prioritize what is most important, and don’t lose yourself in trying to be perfect. Your family will remember the time you spent together and amazing memories can be made with the simplest traditions. Enjoy this time with your family, as it passes us by more quickly than we realize!
If you’d like some help with prioritizing your mental health and how to keep nutrition a priority this upcoming holiday season, reach out to today. Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season!
Hi I'm Angela
I am a Certified Health Coach and the founder of Bee Healthy Coaching. As a mom of 4 and step mom of 3, it is my mission to provide you with the tools, resources, and encouragement needed to overcome obstacles, find balance, and thrive.